A downloadable game for Windows

This is a prototype for an open world 3D space sim that was made in Unity Engine in late 2017 - early 2018. It was updated to a newer version of Unity and built into the current executable in 2021 with no feature changes.

The objective is to destroy all the enemies (both ships and mines), and there is a secondary objective to protect your allies.

All ships have armor which blocks up to a certain amount of damage from each incoming hit and redirects the blocked damage from the ship's health to a much larger 'armor durability' pool. Since all ships in the current build have the same weapons and defensive stats, this mechanic does not add much to the strategy of the game at the moment.

The open world part of the concept would involve opening a menu that allows you to jump to different unbounded areas in a solar system, however the mechanic had not yet been implemented at the time that I last worked on the project.


W/S: Accelerate forwards/back

A/D: Strafe left/right

Space/Ctrl: Strafe up/down

Shift: Use afterburner (increases forward acceleration)

Mouse: Aim/turn ship

Right click: Zoom in for better aim/vision

Left click: Fire weapons

NOTE!: This game is full-screen and does not have a built in way to exit, make sure you have a way to exit the screen to close it, such as alt+tab, alt+f4, or ctrl+alt+del on Windows


The only asset used that was not created by me is the space skybox, which has since been deprecated on the Unity Store where it was acquired: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/2d/textures-materials/sky/purple-space-neb...


SpaceOpenWorldGame.zip 25 MB

Install instructions

Unzip the downloaded file anywhere, then run SpaceOpenWorldGame.exe. If that does not work you may have to install the Unity player.

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